The Value of our Water in BC!
September 10, 2015
What's water worth to you?
Using creativity that displays your passion for water and the systems that keep us safe and healthy, tell us “what’s water worth to you?” for the chance to win a cash prize of $2,500! Contest entries will be judged based upon whether they demonstrate an appreciation, understanding and passion for water services and resources; are innovative, original and creative; and are regionally focused on BC or the Yukon.
From source to tap to drain and back, our water systems sustain us. There is no substitute.
The contest seeks submissions that summarize what water means to the residents of BC and the Yukon. The contest is intended to encourage participants to look deeper and explore the real value of water in everyday life. We are looking for innovative submissions that display a passion for water and water resources. Videos, pictures and stories are accepted.
BC Water & Waste Association contest: copy and paste link to your web browser: