Genelle Improvement District was incorporated April 26, 1962 by order and proclamation under the Water Act, stating, in part:
"The tract of land within Kootenay District and Nelson Land Registration District more particularly described as follows: Lot 2404, except part shown on D.D.713, except Plan 4070; that part of Sub-lot 18 of Lot 4598 as shown on Reference Plan 30701D; Sub-lot 18 of Lot 4598, Plan X34, except parts shown on Reference Plans 30701D and 52841I; Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Lot 7176, Plan 2558 - save and except thereout the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way; and all subdivisions thereof and all owners of land therein are incorporated into an improvement district under the Water Act and subject to the provisions thereof and to the conditions hereinafer contained."
"There shall be five Trustees of the improvement district."
Improvement districts are incorporated public bodies managed by elected trustees, established to operate and administer community services such as waterworks and garbage collection in the case of the Genelle Improvement District. There are over 200 improvement districts in the province, the majority of which are concentrated in the Kootenays, the Okanangan Valley and Vancouver Island.
While improvement districts are autonomous corporations, they are subject to direction by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development to ensure that the local government system remains open, representative, responsive and accountable to its citizens and that locally elected officials make effective use of their legislative power.
For more information, please see: News & Notices - Board of Trustees