RDKB Organics Collection
July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
Dear Genelle residents,
In the coming months you will be receiving green bins and information from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) regarding their organics collection program. Please note this program is SEPARATE from the Genelle Improvement District’s garbage collection program that currently occurs on Mondays.
Due to GID’s contract with Waste Management, the GID plans continue its regular garbage collection program until March 31, 2024.
The GID board has met with the RDKB to collaborate on this new collection program, however due to the timing of government grants and subsidies, we were unable to negotiate any changes to the RDKB roll-out schedule. Therefore, Genelle residents will likely see an overlap of garbage collection services, wherein they can utilize both the RDKB collection system and the Waste Management system simultaneously. We have not yet been notified of the RDKB’s collection schedule (in other words, we are unaware which day of the week RDKB will be collecting in Genelle). RDKB's start date of organics collection has been set for October 2023.
Please do not hesitate to reach out for any questions or concerns in regards to this organics collection addition. We may refer your questions to the RDKB if needed.
-Staff & Trustees of Genelle Improvement District